Pedro Algorta

My blogs

About me

Industry Consulting
Location Argentina
Introduction I am one of the survivors of the Uruguayan airplane that crashed in the Andes Mountains in 1972. Following the crash, I moved to Buenos Aires, where I graduated in Economics at the University of Buenos Aires and then furthered my education taking a Master in Business Administration from Stanford University in 1982. I have served in top management and board positions in first class Argentine companies in the food and beverage industry such as Cervecería Quilmes, Peñaflor, Campofrío and Cepas Argentinas. While doing my mainstream corporate life, I seldom talked about my Andes survival experience. But now, free of day to day responsibilities I am looking back into my ordeal and I’m willing to share my Andes experience and how I managed to live an ordinal life after such a difficult experience. I’m married to María Noelle, my wife since 1974 and mother of our three children. In 2003, we acquired a cattle breeding ranch in Uruguay, in which we apply state of the art breeding practices. Today, my time is devoted to managing my ranch, leading workshops and talking about my Andes ordeal and visiting our children and grandchildren in Spain.