My blogs
Blogs I follow
Gender | Male |
Industry | Technology |
Occupation | Web Analytics |
Location | Sydney, NSW, Australia |
Introduction | I'm just some dude who likes video games, Photoshop, films, TV and Web Analytics. Not much else to say, really... Except I actually have PLENTY to say! Read the damn blog! |
Interests | video games, Photoshop, web analytics, satire, social commentary |
Favorite Movies | Fight Club, Inception |
Favorite Music | Dream Theater, Pink Floyd, Metallica, Faith No More, Tenacious D, Mutiny Within, The Beatles |
Favorite Books | Pillars of the Earth, A Song of Ice and Fire, A World Without End, Fall of Giants, World War Z: An oral history of the Zombie War |
You're going to the moon! What did you forget to pack?
omg i totally forgot to bring oxygen. pwned.