Naomi Musch
My blogs
- Colonial Quills
- More Reason to Write
- Heroes, Heroines, and History
- Once Upon A Series...
- St. Croix Writers
Blogs I follow
- Rebel Book Reviews
- Inkwell Inspirations
- Writers Helping Writers
- Seekerville Archives
- 19th Century Historical Tidbits
- A Newbie's Guide to Publishing
- A Pen for Your Thoughts and Mine
- A Step in the Write Direction
- A Time of Growing
- Author Haven
- Author Liz Tolsma
- Author Marketing 101
- Author, Jody Hedlund
- Book Nook Club
- Book Ponderings
- Book Review Blog
- Celia Yeary-Romance...and a little bit of Texas
- Christian Writers' Marketplace
- Christina Banks Writing Blog
- Clash of the Titles
- Clean Romance Reviews
- CleanReads
- Colonial Quills
- Creative Madness that Makes Me Myself
- Cross and Cutlass
- Donna B Snow
- Duluth Vineyard Writers' Studio
- Edgy Inspirational Romance
- Elaine Stock--Author***Everyone’s Story Blog
- Everything Writerly: The Official Blog of Author Andrea Boeshaar
- Flight of the Dragon
- Fur Trade Family History
- Grace Awards
- Great Lakes Romances
- Hope Inspired Stories
- Hott Books
- Imagination Investigation
- Inspirational Romance
- It's Real Life
- JD's Writers Blog - Stories From The Genealogist
- Jean Kinsey's Creative Writing Desk
- John 3:16 Marketing Network
- Linda S. Glaz
- Lisa Nielsen: The Innovative Educator
- Living the Write Life
- Love 2 Read Novels
- Lynette Endicott
- Margaret Daley
- Martha Scarberry
- Mary Middleton Writes of Love
- Michelle's Adventures in Writing
- My Own Little Corner of the World
- Overcoming With God
- Pam Funke's Book Reviews
- Paperback Writer
- Pen Perfect Associates
- Pentalk Community
- Pix-N-Pens Publishing
- Prophets of Culture
- Rachelle Gardner, Literary Agent
- Reviews By Jane
- Rita's Ravings
- Romance Write-up with Judah Raine
- Rose McCauley, Christian Author
- Royalty Free Fiction
- Seasons of Humility
- Seriously Write
- Shaunna Gonzales Writes
- Stephanie Shott
- Tales of Whimsy
- TalkToYoUniverse
- The Adventure Bum
- The At-Home Writers Conference
- The Balanced Writer
- The Book Doctor
- The Inspired Pen
- The Kill Zone
- The Ladybug Reads...
- The Mary Reader
- The Prude Disapproves
- The Write Conversation
- The Yodeling Dwarf
- There has to be a Beginning...
- Through His Eyes
- Word Wanderings
- Write This Way
- WriterMom
Gender | Female |
Industry | Communications or Media |
Occupation | Author |
Location | Wisconsin northwoods, United States |
Introduction | I am Christian writer and author, Naomi Musch. I adore fiction wrapped in the portals of American history, but I occasionally enjoy discovering well developed characters and a dynamite plot in something contemporary as well. My ambition is to bring readers a story that they won't read somewhere else, a unique crafting of a tale that will sweep you away. Visit "My Books" above for a showing of my current and upcoming titles, and learn more at my Web Home . |
Interests | gardening, hiking around the woods, farm living, and anything country. |
Favorite Movies | It's a Wonderful Life, The Shop Around the Corner, Lord of the Rings, Anne of Green Gables, Last of the Mohicans, The Count of Monte Cristo, Horatio Hornblower, Return to Me, Sweet Home Alabama, and anything with James Stewart in it. |
Favorite Music | As We Are, Switchfoot |