Dallas Pymm

My blogs

About me

Gender Male
Location Chandler, AZ, United States
Introduction I am strange. I am the oldest 24 year old I know. I like to read and sleep and take a lot of meds. I have the best wife ever. She has put up with so much being married to me. I hope to be in full time ministry some day with Sovereign Grace Ministries and will soon attend Whitefield Theological Seminary to get by B.A. and M.Div. I can't think of doing anything in my life that did not revolve around Christ.
Interests I am big on sleeping, I try to get 8hrs each night at least. Any less and I am more useless than normal. I love to read old books and any good new ones. I love to play some golf when I can afford it, and no perfect day could be without spending time with my beautiful wife Stormie.
Favorite Books God's Passion for His Glory-John Piper, Future Grace-John Piper, The Mortification of Sin-John Owen, The Holiness of God-R.C. Sproul, The Doctrine of God-John Frame

What is my oldest dog's name?