
My blogs

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About me

Gender Female
Location United States
Introduction what booturtle is: vegetarian, mom, wife, baker, cook, ms. fix-it, jogger, letterboxer, amateur photographer, natural birth advocate, doula lover, reader, darth fairy's mom, attempting to bake every recipe in the Martha Stewart Baking Handbook, dreamer, worrier, homeschool parent, daughter, sister, friend, loud, introspective, opinionated, right, honest, vague, wannabe crocheter, Wonder Woman lover, weight watcher, doodler, retired graphic designer, partial insomniac, crafty, thrifty, determined, funny, and perpetually tired. what booturtle is not: gardener, mechanic, IT professional, illogical, stubborn, close-minded, good at correspondence, frilly, thank-you card writer, make-up artist, soda drinker, pregnant.