My blogs
Blogs I follow
- Chiconky
- 6512 and growing
- a mom amok
- Abba Tales
- amalah . com
- Blue Eyes and Pie
- Breathe
- dig this chick
- Enjoying the Small Things
- holdmama
- Jamie the Very Worst Missionary
- jillgg's good life (for less) | a west michigan style blog
- Julia
- Kelle Hampton Photography
- Letters from camp
- Little Big
- Little Pink Monster
- Live Inside My Bubble
- Made By Rae
- motherhood handmade
- Motherhood Uncensored
- msfitrunner
- My Life in Transition
- Oh Noa.
- Princess Hotcakes
- Rachel Held Evans - blog
- Rage Against the Minivan
- Stumbling Towards Perfect
- The Bloggess
- The Grand Scheme of Things
- The Hungry Runner Girl
- The Intentful Life
- The Reluctant Grownup
- The Schott Family
- the underwear drawer
Introduction | I'm really just making it up as I go along. This is my little corner of the world where I write memories about my kids, talk about books I love, and look for the ridiculousness in everyday life. You can contact me at |