My blogs
Blogs I follow
- Cave of the Dice Chucker
- Old Guard Gaming
- Farcast
- Pleading the Phyth
- Working on Wanderlust
- ...and the sky full of dust.
- 20th Level Marketing
- 3d6 in order
- A Bit More than Just Enough
- A Rust Monster Ate My Sword
- Aeons & Augauries
- Akratic Wizardry
- Anamnesis of the Mystic Scholar
- apo mechanes theos
- Apotheosis of the Invisible City
- APQC Blog
- Archive of the Rotted Moon
- Barrowmaze
- Behind the Water Heater
- Belched from the Depths
- Beyond the Black Gate
- BlackWyrm Designs blogs
- Blag Hag
- Blog - Chaosium Inc.
- Blog of Holding
- Blog on the Borderlands
- Journal
- BRW Games
- BRW Games - From the Designer's Desk
- Burning Monster: A Sketch-Blog
- Castle Greyhawk
- Chaotic Henchmen Productions
- ChicagoWiz's Games
- Cim's Warfare in 15mm
- Cimmerian Chronicles
- Circle of Dar Janix
- Cold Text Files
- Consortium for Service Innovation
- creativity crisis
- Crypt of the Sorcerer/Caverns of Doom project
- Cyclopeatron
- Dangerous Games
- Danis World
- Dark Corners Of Role Playing
- DarkDimension
- david burgett — writings, musings, and novel witticisms from david burgettdavid burgett
- Deadly Fredly
- Delta's D&D Hotspot
- Dispatches From Kickassistan
- Dispatches from Revland - Revland
- Documenting my rpg collection
- Doomwatch
- Dragon Grumbles
- Dreams in the Lich House
- Dreams of Mythic Fantasy
- Duke of the Blood Keep
- Dungeon Fantastic
- Dungeon Games
- Dungeon Mastering by Candlelight
- Dungeons & Dragons...a Documentrary!
- Dungeons & Dorks
- Dunn Inn
- Dyson's Dodecahedron
- Eclipse Phase blogs
- Eidos Montreal: Community
- erin's emporium of discount dreams & well-worn wonders
- False Machine
- Fast Company
- Fomalhaut
- For the Love of SEO
- Forgotten Runes
- Fractured Dimensions Newsletter
- From the Raven's Quill
- Global by Design
- Gnome Stew
- Goblinoid Games
- Google Analytics Solutions
- Grendelwulf Castle
- Greyhawk Adventures 576CY
- Greyhawk Grognard
- Greyhawkery
- Greytalk Archives
- Hack & Slash
- Hall of the Mountain King
- Havards Blackmoor Blog
- Henchman Abuse
- Hill Cantons
- How Not to Run a Game Business
- How to Start a Revolution in 21 Days or Less
- Howling Tower
- In Places Deep
- Inside Technology Services
- Jeffs Gameblog
- Joethelawyer's Wondrous Imaginings
- John Winter
- Kellri
- KickBlog
- Lake Geneva Original RPG Campaign
- LBM | La Baguette Magique * lifestyle with attitude
- Lead Menagerie
- Lead n Paint
- Lemuria Press
- Life in Miniature
- Lord of the Green Dragons
- Lost Papers of Tsojcanth
- LotFP: RPG
- Lulu Blog
- Madeira
- Mage of the Striped Tower
- Merlin of Chaos
- Merric's Musings
- Mesmerized by sirens
- Mighty Thews and Non-Euclidean Geometry
- Minis by Finch
- Mirabelle Design Inspiration | Mirabellicious ♥
- Miscellaneous Debris
- mr boss' design lair
- My Fantasy Art Collecting
- My Other Sword Is Vorpal
- Neil Gaiman's Journal
- No School Like The Old School
- Oaths and Fates
- Occam's Razor by Avinash Kaushik
- Old Joints & Ponies
- Old School Miniatures Bulletin
- Old School Road Games
- Once More Unto the Breach!
- Recent Blog Entries in Paizo
- Recent Threads in Maure Castle
- Paperback Flash
- Parsantium: City at the Crossroads
- People them with Monsters
- Philbo Baggins
- Playing at the World
- Quest for Fun!
- Raging Swan
- Ramblings of a Neo-Grognard
- Random Wizard
- Raven Crowking's Nest
- Really Bad Eggs
- Redbeard's Ravings<br><br><br><br>
- RedBrick LLC &bull; Raising Your Game
- RedBrick LLC Blog Feed
- RetroRoleplaying: The Blog
- Reviews from R'lyeh
- RPG Blog II
- Sacnoth's Scriptorium
- scottsz
- Seaflower McGee | Muse-ings
- SearchUpTicious
- Secrets of the Shadowend
- Semper Initiativus Unum
- Shouting Into The Void
- So I&#39;m having a mid 20&#39;s life crisis....
- Some King's Kent
- Sorcery &amp; Super Science!
- stefan poag
- stefan poag
- Stocking The Dungeon
- Sword+1
- Swordfish Islands
- Tales from the Tower
- Tales of the Grotesque and Dungeonesque
- Tea-Fueled Frog
- Telecanter's Receding Rules
- The Alexandrian
- The Canonfire Crier
- The Citadel of Eight
- The Collector's Trove Site News
- The Contemptible Cube of Quazar
- The Dungeon Dozen
- The Eye of Joyful Sitting Amongst Friends
- The Fiendish Almanac
- The Gallery: Art of Russ Nicholson
- The Grand Tapestry
- The Kickstarter Blog
- The Lead Dragon
- The Megadungeon
- The Mines of Khunmar Exploration Society
- The Mule Abides
- The Oerth Journal &amp; Canonfire!Chronicles
- The Old School Renaissance Group
- The OSR Companion
- The Rockley Blog
- The Ruins of Murkhill™ - OEOEFASRPG™
- The Rusty Battle Axe
- The Sandbox of Doom
- The Scrolls of Lankhmar
- The Society of Torch, Pole and Rope
- The Stonegiant's Cave
- The Tekumel Foundation
- The Tékumel Club
- The Tékumel Project
- The World According to Tom
- Theron's Design Portfolio
- Theron's SoapBox
- They Stalk the Underworld
- Things that Science and the US Military can do nothing about.
- Thoul's Paradise
- Troll and Flame
- Tsathogga's Blog - News!
- Uncle Matt's Blog
- Under the Mountain
- unstruc chitchatting
- Unvisible Citadel
- Vintage Wargaming
- Wanted for Wargaming
- Warriors of the Red Planet
- Web Strategy by Jeremiah
- Welcome to Frank's World
- Welcome To My World
- What Worries Jeff Dee?
- Where unusual things take shape - Moondevil Studio
- Year of the Dungeon
- yog-blogsoth
Gender | Male |
Industry | Telecommunications |
Occupation | Knowledge Manager for Ruckus Wireless |
Location | Wichita, Kansas, United States |
Links | Wishlist |
Introduction | Allan T. Grohe Jr. has been playing D&D and other rpgs since 1977. Allan’s first professional gaming publication (“More for the Shadow Master”) appeared in White Wolf Magazine #11 in 1987; he has also contributed to The Unspeakable Oath, Pyramid, Polyhedron, and Dragon Magazine, among others. Allan co-founded Event Horizon Productions, and has worked extensively with Biohazard Games (Blue Planet, Upwind), Pagan Publishing (Call of Cthulhu publisher of Delta Green), Different Worlds Publications (Tadashi Ehara), and Pied Piper Publishing (Robert J. Kuntz). Allan co-founded Black Blade Publishing with Jon Hershberger in 2009. Allan’s editorial, design, and development work has contributed to winning one Origins Award and securing four Origins Award nominations, winning one ENnie Award and two ENnie Award nominations. Allan is known online as grodog, where he publishes a website featuring Greyhawk D&D content, as well as his non-gaming writing (poetry, personal essays, and literary scholarship), and the usual fan ephemera. He lives in Wichita, Kansas, with his lovely wife Heather, their two boys Ethan and Henry, and their two pugs Tara and Gypsy. |
Interests | See Facebook. |
Favorite Movies | See Facebook. |
Favorite Music | See Facebook. |
Favorite Books | See Facebook. |