Jennifer Crokaert

My blogs

About me

Location United Kingdom
Introduction Hello and welcome! My passion is to serve as the clearest channel I can be, so that the love expressed by the divine can pour through these channels into your heart and out into the world. I have always believed that we sacred beings before we are physical beings and I am honoured you would visit here, with me and the beings who also do me the honour of sharing their message through me. If you are here, it is because you too are here serving humanity and Gaia on our Ascension pathway. Thank you for the light you ARE, the love and light you share with all. One day we will look back on these times and say, 'I was there'! Portugese translations are generously provided by Sabrina de Freitas Luchezi here:
Interests I live just outside London with my husband and son. My passion is the spiritual journey.