Taylor The Latte Boy

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About me

Gender Male
Location Florida....Tampa Bay and West Palm Beach
Introduction According to my cohosts, I'm a bear. I am in a relationship with my pugs.
Interests The Gym, Comic Books, my iPod, Sirius Satellite Radio, DVDs, Heroes, Biggest Loser, ANTM, AoTS, podcasts, Chipoltle, Sushi, My Job, Shopping, Lunch with Friends, gay.com, Law and Order, rainy days, cold days (which is why I love Florida SO much), Will and Grace, hoodie sweaters, gadgets, Best Buy, Barnes and Noble, Target, Pizza, Chicken, Chocolate, Cherry Coke, Mountain Dew, Journaling, Being around friends, and Starbucks Starbucks STARBUCKS!!!
Favorite Movies Star Wars (all of them), Steel Magnolias, Superman II, Rocky II, Drop Dead Georgeous, Clue
Favorite Music Madonna, all thing 80s, dance, house, standards, soundtracks, remixes, jazz
Favorite Books The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay, Anything by David Sedaris, I Like You by Amy Sedaris, The Island of the Blue Dophin, Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing and Superfudge