roberto mucelli
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Gender | Male |
Industry | Science |
Occupation | psicologo clinico, filosofo, psicoterapeuta psicoanalitico, istruttore cinofilo, allevatore cani border collie |
Location | ROMA, RM, Italy |
Introduction | Psy.M. - Master Degree in Applied Psychology at "Sapienza" Rome University. Phil.M. - Master Degree in Philosophical Sciences at Macerata University. Training Psychodiagnostic Techniques at "Pontifico Ateneo Salesiano" Rome University. ClinPsy.D. - Doctor of Clinical Psychology at "Sapienza" Rome University. Licensed Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist by Italian Psychologists Board. Past Professor of Clinical Models of Addictions at Doctor's Degree Specialization in Clinical Psychology, Faculty of Medicine and Psychology, "Sapienza" Rome University. Past Professor of Bioethics at Doctor's Degree Specialization in Clinical Psychology, Faculty of Medicine and Psychology, "Sapienza" Rome University. Dog Trainer. Border Collies breeder. Private Practice of Psychoanalysis, Clinical Supervison and Clinical Psychology in Rome and online.. Past Research Director and Supervisor in Magliana 80 group. Past Psychologist in Addictions Services in National Heath System, Italy. Mental Coach Italian Olimpic Federation FITA Tae kwon Do, Gold and bronze medal in London 2012, Gold medal Tokio 2020, Bronze medal Paris 2024. |
Favorite Movies | Apocalipse now, The Wall |
Favorite Music | classic rock |
Favorite Books | Le memorie di Adriano, Il Signore degli Anelli. |