The Alchemist

My blogs

About me

Gender Female
Location Washington, United States
Introduction Welcome! I'm glad you're here! My name is Melissa and I love to cook and bake. I'm also quite a do it yourself type of girl. I share recipes here as well as other projects I'm working on for my home or the farm. Since my husband and I moved to Wahington from California in 2006, our lives have changed big time. I went from pursuing an acting career living in Los Angeles to doing chores like cleaning out the chicken coop or shoveling dirt in the garden, and cooking and baking most days. It's been a real trip and also incredibly rewarding. I guess I'm kind of like Eva Gabor in Green Acres. Canning jams and jellies, making homemade candy for the holidays or banana bread for a friend coming to visit, watching the hens run in the yard, these are some of the things that make me happy.
Interests baking, alchemy, cooking, sweets, cupcakes, cake, bread, eat dessert first, sugar, chocolate, quotes, antique sandwich plates, animals, fine china, milk glass, english transferware, antiques, greyhounds, photography, art, jazz, cake, fancy serving dishes, decorating, bakeries, patisserie, laughter, pastries, food, traveling, recipes, sugary goodness, fresh herbs, Anthony Bourdain, Alton Brown, growing my own food, candy, quantum mechanics, afternoon tea, tablescaping, cooking, cookbooks, notes from the universe, vintage, vintage cookbooks
Favorite Movies Amelie, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, The Usual Suspects, Spanish Prisoner