My blogs
Location | Sarasota, Florida, United States |
Introduction | Diane would like to use her super powers to grow Democracy so that our government is responsive to We-The-People. Alas, she has only human powers. However, her human powers are sufficient to propel her around town on a bicycle, when she doesn't have to wear an evening gown. She harnesses the power of Mother Nature, growing luscious fruit in the rain-free winters and sweltering summers of Sarasota, Florida in what she euphemistically refers to as soil. People even pay her money for the organically-grown bounty from her yard. In previous employment, she was a software engineer for two very large corporations. As it turns out, they were not too big to fail. One merged into an even larger enterprise, and the other was indicted on criminal charges. The advent of the Occupy Movement has fired Diane's imagination, and www.occupymysoapbox.com is a platform to share the issues, the stories, and the energy. Please join we-the-people in taking back our country. |