Brother Of Yeshua

My blogs

About me

Gender Male
Location Graham, North Carolina
Introduction 2000 years ago I lived as Jacob who people call James, and was known as the Brother of Yeshua/Jesus. Many times myself and the other disciples were sent back into the world to guide true seekers in TheWay. Visit my web sites and behold the Truth that the Church has been concealing from you. The Kingdom is Spiritual, and can only be entered by those who are themselves Spiritual. Those who pick up their own cross and walk in TheWay, are able to enter the Inner Kingdom and learn directly from the Lord. While Jews and Christians ignore Yeshua's words that the Kingdom will never come upon the earth, because it is within you -- and you must overcome the Laws that enable you to bring about the next stage of birth that permits you to enter into the Inner Kingdom -- this reality that Yeshua stated remains true. As one who has myself walked in TheWay -- and spent many lifetimes re-entering this world to guide other sincere seekers in TheWay -- I am here as a witness and guide to others who seek the Truth and the Kingdom.