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About me

Gender Female
Location Victoria, BC, Canada
Introduction I was born on a reserve on Northern Vancouver Island. When I was five days old my momma dog and all her puppies were brought down to a rescue group in Victoria, BC, Canada. My people picked me out when I was a very small puppy. I was brown, and little, and I wagged when they held me. My momma dog was very fearful. She was scared all the time, and some of that fear got passed on to all of us. I find many things scary. Plus I am very sensitive to things like touch and weird energy in people or other dogs. My people have worked hard with me to make me less scared. I am a pretty happy dog most of the time, but I still do get scared or frustrated easily. But I try! My favourite thing in the whole world is snow. I hate the hot summer; I wish we lived in winter wonderland all the time. Snow makes me feel like a little puppy again. I love the beach. I love the forest. I love the little red dot from my laser pointer. And I love popcorn. My life is good!
Interests Running, chasing, popcorn, ice cream, laser pointer, learning tricks, sleeping in the sun, SNOW!

Your pajamas have duckies on them. Why did you switch from choo-choos?

What are pajamas? My second-favourite toy is my Duckie. I will eat your choo-choo.