Mr. & Mrs. George and Virginia Smith

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About me

Gender Male
Industry Arts
Occupation Humorist, cartoonist, Arts
Location Brooklyn , New York, United States
Introduction Cartoonist George Smith and his wife Virginia began "The Smith Family" comic strip in 1950, after they had to call the fire department to rescue one of their youngsters from a treetop. Virginia and George had ten girls and one boy, 44 grandchildren, 118 great-grandchildren, and were once the subject of a protest by the Planned Parenthood League. Smith says The Boston Globe was the first newspaper to buy his comic strip. "The Smith Family" comic strip ran in the Globe for nearly 50 years. The Globe rescued me from plodding around the streets of New York freelancing cartoons to magazines.
Favorite Movies George and Virginia Smith created the newspaper strip The Smith Family, based on their experiences as a family. It was a staple in the Boston Globe.