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About me

Gender Female
Industry Consulting
Occupation Healer, Pastor, Consultant, Coach
Location Ventura, California, United States
Introduction I am a healer and a pastor creating space for individuals and groups to become more attuned to their own selves and the earth.
Interests triathlons, surfing, reading, movies, hanging out with family/friends, hiking, backpacking, camping . . .
Favorite Movies The Princess Bride, The Village, Zoolander, Napolean Dynamite, Ever After, Lord of the Rings Trilogy
Favorite Music U2, Brad Yoder, Beautiful South, Chopin
Favorite Books The Life of Pi, Pope Joan, Jane Eyre, Possessing the Secret of Joy, The Red Tent, most of C. S. Lewis, Let Your Life Speak, Be Happy, Pillars of the Earth

Your people want to make a statue in your honor. What will it be made out of and what victory will it commemorate?

if my peeps made me a "statue" I think it would be planting a forest of oak trees to commemorate our ability to make the earth stronger with the help of one another.