The Jotter

My blogs

About me

Gender Female
Occupation Listener and co-conspirator
Location Richmond, Virginia, United States
Introduction The Jotter is a generally hopeful person perennially faced with seemingly dire or hopeless situations which she confronts by blogging. She is an ordained minister who prefers dance, home brewing, child rearing, laughter, and a really good party to committee meetings or pulpit lip flapping in a scratchy robe. With the right perspective, weddings and funerals qualify as really good parties and she can be hired for those if she likes you ALOT. She will do responsive blogs to serious inquiries of theological, philosophical, or grief related import. Or if she finds you funny.
Interests Live music, scheming impossible projects, semi-professional napping, full body tambourine playing, green burials, pacifism, creative and uplifting funerals, end of life planning, barefoot weddings with someone in a tutu, the fine art of porch sitting
Favorite Music Old School R&B, alt country, honky tonk, opera
Favorite Books The Undertaking, Picnic Lightning, Lamb, Towing Jehovah, Fight Club, Der Tod in Venedig

When you hesitate before hitting snooze on your alarm clock, are you being lazy?

What is an alarm clock? And pacifists don't hit. We pat firmly and talk until the point when you wish you'd been hit.