Sky W.

My blogs

Blogs I follow

About me

Gender Male
Industry Arts
Occupation student
Location Provo, Utah, United States
Introduction I'm usually away on IM, but you can leave me a message. I also use facebook, but rarely, and I check my email about two or three times a week unless I have to check it more often.
Interests My wife, my religion, cartoons, drawing, anime, almost anything in the Virgo supercluster.
Favorite Movies Anything directed by, Brad Bird, Miyazaki, or produced by, Ghibli
Favorite Music MOTAB, Icon of Coil, Evanescence, Chalice, various cool soundtracks, Voice Male, Wicked, harpsichord music, classical, baroque
Favorite Books A Fine and Private Place, Desert Solitaire, Twilight, Breaking Dawn, Harry Potter, The Story of Jumping Mouse, Great Sky River, Castle in the Attic, The Pentateuch, The Book of the Prophets, The New Testament, The Book of Mormon, Tao Te Ching, Calvin and Hobbs, Garfield

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Don't worry. Be happy.