Sangreal Glow

My blogs

About me

Gender Female
Industry Arts
Introduction Hi, I am Gloria, 'Glory to God in the Highest'. I have had several NDE's, one I was given my Last Rites. I have seen the 'big people' watching us since I was a small child. I have met Pleiadeans both on their planet, as well as the two who picked me up through what felt like water. At the time, they did not tell me who they were, at all. I just saw two very tall (around 9-12') very blonde, sort of glowing 'white'. I have been an astrologer for 40 years. I am very psychic, and have had multitudinous mystical experiences, with witnesses. (Thank God!) I swam in the musical love and light of God when I died and walked with Jesus. IT IS REAL I am also a singer, toured for a couple years, but it is not the life for me. Co-founded the first certified school for alternative health in Cleveland, Oh. That went south when the lawyer/landlord hit my business partner in front of customers. 11 day trial for him, while I was called a witch, all day, every day. I have many predictions that have come true, including 911, the subsequent invasion in the middle east, and that hurricane Katrina would hit New Orleans, all within the same time frame.