My blogs
- Skippy's Vegetable Garden
- Skippy's Backyard
- Skippy's Fishies
- welcome to Skippy's Vegetable Garden
- kathy's bees
- Skippy's Vegetable Garden (extended posts)
- renovation journal
- 185 red-tailed hawks
- Hawk Stalkers
Gender | Female |
Industry | Consulting |
Occupation | biochemist |
Location | MA, United States |
Introduction | Skippy is a cute Portuguese water dog. I'm just the gardener who hangs out with him. |
Favorite Books | The Good Earth, The Old Man and the Sea, Prodigal Summer, One Hundred Years of Solitude, Resistance (Anita Shreve), License to Grill (Schlesinger), Marley and Me, The Other End of the Leash (McConnell) |
You're going to the moon! What did you forget to pack?
I don't think so. Who would water the garden, feed the dog, go on long walks, hang out with my family .... I think I'll skip the moon walk.