C. E. Allison

My blogs

About me

Introduction I am a faulty image of a faultless God... How great is His design for me, how vast His helping love. I am designed by God, saved by grace. May I live my life in reckless abandon for His glory. To that end, I present my life through writing. I'm married to the world's most wonderful man (check out Our Story... I think it's the best one that's being written!). We're in the fledgling stages of full-time ministry. I'm a brand-new mommy, to our precious gift: Grant Alexander. We became his parents through the adventure of adoption, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I'm passionate about writing, cooking, adoption, and reading. My Savior gives glorious purpose to my every day... Even the days when I have to clean the bathroom. I write because I must... May my lessons be an encouragement to you. Enjoy!