My blogs
Blogs I follow
- ...when a moment brings hope for everything...
- Little Quiver
- Mark Perkins - the Person
- Reflections From a Sister
- SoulPastor
- Sym’s City 2.0
- the optimist's corner
- The Voice of Truth
- Unpretentious Spiritual Musings
Gender | Male |
Industry | Religion |
Occupation | Associate Pastor |
Location | Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada |
Introduction | My wife and I are learning from others that living ideally in a close knit community, reaching out to others and being debt free are important. Sharing stories and inspiring people to be the best that they can be. We enjoy music, poetic lyrics and art. Art and words (spoken), any way you look at it, is an expression of someone's inner workings, what is actually being brought out into the light of day, either on canvas or on paper. We enjoy moments of self reflection as we pick up a pencil, paint brush or camera. It is actually liberating to turn the TV off and walk into creation...and get your hands dirty. |
Interests | blading, biking, running, golf, tennis, arts, music |
Favorite Movies | foreign films rock and ones usually outside of Hollywood hype, but sometimes something good comes out of there too! |
Favorite Music | music...sweet music. Moving in a direction more ethereal |
Favorite Books | so many good books too numerous to count, but one that has always stood out is the Raggamuffin Gospel. |
You've just inherited a manufacturing plant that specializes in plastics. What are you going to make?
a new house...what a concept, a plastic house! Could work.