Rina Susanti
My blogs
Blogs I follow
- Mom of Trio's World
- annisast.com | Parenting Blogger Indonesia
- BeautyAsti1
- Beyourselfwoman
- Blog Informasi Kesehatan
- Catatan Efi
- catatan neng tanti - doodle blog
- Cerita Cha Tentang Hal Biasa
- Coretan Hana - Coz Every Words Have Meaning
- Daftar Jual Property di Bogor
- desperate housewife
- Distributor Makanan Organik
- Dunia IrLy - Merangkai Kata Meramu Rasa, Enjoy Pengalaman dan Curhat ala Irly
- Dwi Puspita Lifestyle Blogger Surabaya
- Ebook Collection
- Emak Riweuh
- Fenny Ferawati
- Flying Without Limit
- Goresan Winny
- Gulanya Gulali - Indonesian Food and Lifestyle Blogger
- Heart of Mine
- HM Zwan
- HoyongNyerat
- ida nur laela
- IstanArina I Lifestyle Blog I Personal Blog Arina Mabruroh
- Kacamata Hani
- Kisah, Ulasan, dan Catatan Perjalanan
- Liswanti Pertiwi
- Little Himawari
- Master Mind TDA Bogor
- Mom's Books Club
- Muthi Haura
- My Love Note
- NarasiLia.com
- Nathalia DP
- Nia Haryanto's Blog
- Ocehan Ade Anita
- People & Place
- Rani R Tyas's journal
- Rina Susanti's Blog
- salmanbiroe - Indonesian Lifestyle Blogger
- Santi Dewi
- Serba serbi
- Shine Fikri
- Tarian Penaku
- Windiland I Parenting Blogger Indonesia I Parenting Blogger Medan I Blogger Medan
- Write a Diary
- ~Celoteh Kiky~
Gender | Female |
Industry | Chemicals |
Location | Jakarta, -, Indonesia |
Introduction | Mama dua anak yang suka ngeblog. Suka baca, terutama buku tema sejarah dan pengasuhan, kolektor buku PAT. Mama yang banyak maunya, mau bisa ini itu. Video DIY, referensi wisata dan tips di https://youtube/c/RinaSusantiVlog kontak rina_fam@yahoo.com |
Interests | reading n writing. |
Favorite Movies | True story movie, romantic comedy |
Favorite Music | all kind of rock and alternative music, classic |
Favorite Books | Self development book, true story book, n parenting |