My blogs
Blogs I follow
- A Better Brooke - 101 Things in 1001 Days
- A Little Nosh
- A year in the lens...
- Blessed by Chocolate
- Can you keep a secret?
- Cook and Dine with Us
- Coupon Journey
- Crazy Mom With 4 Boys
- Did curiousity really kill the cat?
- E-Witch
- Eat The Cake, Anna Mae
- Excellence Through Action
- Going from FAT to PHAT at 40
- GREAT FOODINI with Renee Chodkowski
- Handmade Reviews
- Healthy At Home
- Home
- Hot Mama's Kitchen
- Jack and Till
- Life in the Smith Lane
- Life Is Good
- Local Food Critic
- Locomotion of Expressions
- Lost ski slopes of old
- Memoirs of a Neurotic
- Minnesota Mama's Must Haves
- Mom and More
- My 365 Project
- My Crazy Life With A Toddler
- MY Kids on the Block
- My Ramblings....
- my so called life
- My Sugar Bugs
- One Witch's Wonderland
- Pagan Cowgirl!
- Rambling Unsettled Vagabond
- Shannon's 100-Pound Journey
- Staying Sane with 5 Boys...or At Least Trying To
- Sweetly B Squared
- The Adventures of Grunty and Chubbs
- The Chocolate Cable
- The Chocolate Lady
- The Crafting Pot
- The West Family - 365!
- Theta Mom
- tonkamom1aday
- tonkamom365
- Trying It Out
- What's Cooking @ the Croskeys?
- Work-at-home moms share insight, ideas, and chocolate chip cookies
- Writing, writing....and more writing
- Yaya Stuff (main blog)
Gender | Female |
Occupation | QA Specialist |
Location | Michigan, United States |
Introduction | I'm a mommy. I enjoy artichokes with lots of butter, jeans that fit well, watching my milk-drunk baby being happy after feeding and being romantical with my dear husband. |
Interests | Maggie Sue, Bayley, Audrey, reading, fitness, health |