My blogs
Blogs I follow
Gender | Female |
Industry | Government |
Occupation | Analyst (retired) |
Location | South East, United States |
Introduction | With no regret, I retired from a high-stress, fast-paced career to become a simple wife, mother, and grandmother. Transition was a non-issue. I love my life as it is today. Not that the career was all bad. It afforded me the opportunity to travel, meet people, and see the world from different prespectives. I choose to join the blogging community to keep contact with the world and to make new blogging friends. |
Interests | Coral Reefs, Music, Nature, Reading, Interior Design |
Favorite Movies | Too many to list |
Favorite Music | Anything except rap and hard/acid rock. |
Favorite Books | The Foxfire books, Black Elk Speaks, With a Southern Accent, Lewis Grizzard's books, and . . Well, again, too many to list. |
Your superpower is that you smell like dandelions whenever someone lies. How will you maintain your secret identity?
Stand back. . .waaay back