Gurudeo Swami ParamGyananand Ji Maharaj
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Introduction | In His life span of 75 years He completed the work of centuries which one could have done. Starting to Jammu & Kashmir to Bengal almost all over the then north India. He preached lacks & lacks of people into his spiritual order and transformed their lives. He was the incarnation of divine love, compassion, kindness and spiritual knowledge. He was a true Brahmagyani and as to why the knowledge of entire universe was all clear to Him. He had had no distinction of mine and thine, low and high, rich and poor. He equally loved all knowing everyone to be the dearest creation of God being above all dual feelings of caste, community, religion, creed, sex or language. His loving nature and glowing face attracted everyone even at the first glimpse, that’s why about hundreds of youths - boys and girls having their brilliant academic career and well to do family renounced their worldly lives surrendering themselves to the lotus feet of the Great Master and were baptized into Sanyas. |