Coalition for Justice in the Maquiladoras

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About me

Location Laredo, Texas, United States
Introduction The Coalition for Justice in the Maquiladoras (CJM) is an international, non-profit, non-governmental organization committed to democratic processes and coordination. CJM is composed of organizations and inviduals in Mexico, the United States, Canada and other countries strategically linked to the struggle to defend workers' rights in the maquiladora industry in Mexico. CJM has members in Latin America, including Central America and the Caribbean, as well as other regions. Members represent organizations from faith, labor rights, environmental justice, community-based, women's rights and immigrants' rights groups, as well as other sectors. Our goal is to work together to guarantee equality of opportunity for all, while being sensitive to the diverse cultures involved in CJM, as well as the need for pluralistic representation, and respect for the autonomy of CJM member groups.