
My blogs

Blogs I follow

About me

Introduction Bonjour! Welcome to my blog. Our family lived in France for a year and both my hubby and I took French classes (our kids went to public school there too!) We are missionaries on our way to French-speaking West Africa, serving with Pioneer Bible Translators (PBT). This blog records our journey as viewed from my perspective. Thanks for reading! ~ Laura
Interests reading, mission work, photography (architecture sunsets mountains my kids etc), movies, card games, some board games, bicycling, walking, time with family and friends, ethnic foods, lots of different hobbies
Favorite Movies Becoming Jane, Pride & Prejudice, Sense & Sensibility, Emma, The Thin Man Series, White Christmas, Arsenic and Old Lace, Facing the Giants, Princess Bride, Evolution, French Kiss, Rat Race, Get Smart
Favorite Music too much to choose - whatever I think sounds good!
Favorite Books The Chronicles of Narnia, Redeeming Love, The Bible, The Mark of the Lion Series, The Hiding Place, Until We Have Faces, Agatha Christie books, Self-help books.