Rivendell Fellowship

My blogs

Blogs I follow

About me

Industry Education
Occupation Teacher
Location Richmond, VA, United States
Introduction Rivendell Christian Fellowship is a group of ordinary people following Jesus Christ. We are not into Religion or Sunday only Christianity. No Superficial relationships with God or people. We are interested in real intimate, caring and growing relationships with Jesus, each other and the people we meet. We want to experience the power of the Holy Spirit in our everyday lives. We are people who meet together in each others homes, coffee shops and in various church buildings. Some of us attend other fellowships, some do not. Our fellowship's only denominational ties are with Jesus and each other.
Interests Jesus, Community, Fellowship
Favorite Movies Passion of the Christ, Lord of the Rings 1 2 & 3, Braveheart The Chronicles of Narnia-The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe
Favorite Music Mostly Christian Music (Alternative, Rock, Heavy Rock, Bluegrass, Classical, American Indian, Regae, ect.)
Favorite Books The Bible, The Lord of the Rings, Wild at Heart, The Chronicles of Narnia Series, The Hobbit, The Singer

Describe the sound of a moist waffle falling onto a hot griddle.
