Alexander Cherkaskyi
My blogs
- Парадокс игнорирования ценностей
- Feasibility of Alexander Cherkasky’s Inventions
- William.Michael Andregg(Halcyon Molecular)plagia... used Intellectual Property of A.Cherkasky
- Plagiatoren Apogenix und Deutsches Krebsforschungsz... (DKFZ)
- Antidemocratic Ute Deichmann
- Plagiarists at ZS Genetics Confirmed and Use My Sequencing Inventions
- Menschenfeindlic... Universität zu Köln und Ute Deichmann
- Plagiaristic Ugur Sahin and his firm Biontech
- Who is Vladimir Ze'ev Hanin?
- The Times of da Vinci and Tesla are not in the Past
- Zynischer Vorstand der Jüdischen Gemeinde Düsseldorf
- Plagiator Riboxx
- Die Wertvernichtungs... namens „Jenseits des Absurds“.
- Plagiarist IDT Biologika
- GermanCancerRese... and Apogenix Confirmed and Plagiaristically Use My Anticancer Inventions
- Das Neue System zur Umsetzung der Erfindungen
- Plagiarist Professor Junghun Suh at Seoul National University
- Pseudoscientist and anti-Semite Ute Deichmann is Awarded Professor in Israel
- About Dr. Felix Klein
- Viruses Can Be Combated
- Vaxil Presents My Inventions As Vaxil’s Own
- The Anti-Viral Invention of Virus-Traps Was Disclosed In My German Patent
- Google Deserves The Nobel Peace Prize
- StoreDot, Tel Aviv University, Litsyn and Rosenman Plagiaristically Use My Invention
- New Hope For People
- Patent Law Is Based on Torah
- Cherkasky Story
- Institute for Realization of Inventions Alexander Cherkasky and New Hope for People
- Die Informergie
- Cherkasky Torah Research
- Like Natural Synthetic Diamonds
- American Jewish Press Association (AJPA) Without Rules
- The following letter was not responded by Bilha Fischer, Professor at Bar-Ilan University:
- Plagiarists Daniel Offen and Brainstorm Cell Therapeutics
- Новая надежда для людей -
- Über Ute Deichmann und RIAS
- Plagiator Scil Proteins