Laura Belle

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About me

Gender Female
Industry Arts
Location Kansas, United States
Introduction I'm 35. Holy shit.....I'm thirty-FIVE. Wasn't it just yesterday I was living the dreamy life of a 21 year old college student, staying up late, mowing down a big ass pizza and chasing it with a 12-pack???? Now I live a slightly different dreamy life, with a wonderful husband, a 2 year old (going on 17) daughter Dillyn, a 9 (yes NINE) year old puppy named Wyatt, and the most badass job on the planet of being a work-at-home Mommy, and a Professional Photographer. I started this journey on Jan 18th, 2011 to because physically healthier. It grew from there. And now I'm finally ready to get back to not only the physical part, but more the mental part. I will look at life in a more beautiful way, I will *try* to stay active, and I will continually work on my mental health! (All while still eating 'some' pizza and definitely drinking 'some' beer!!!)
Interests My family, beer, taking pictures, gardening, going to the lake, KSU, reading.
Favorite Movies Pretty much love all movies, any kind or type.
Favorite Music Same as above. Pretty much love it all. My palette ranges from country to heavy metal to rap to big band. I'm a little crazy like that.
Favorite Books Anything by Nicholas Sparks.