Janet Pantry

My blogs

About me

Gender Female
Location Bedfordshire, United Kingdom
Introduction I work with coloured pencils and post my pictures on here as 'works in progress', mainly so that I can look back and remind myself of how I did what I did - why it went well, or not so well! If others find it interesting and/or useful too, then that's a bonus. I am also inclined to chat about other stuff too from time to time. Comments are welcome.
Interests Drawing, coloured pencils, family, cats, debating issues to do with Education, Mental Health and social policy.
Favorite Movies Shawshank Redemption; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Ghost; Some Like it Hot. Most David Lean films
Favorite Music Soul from the 60s and 70s; Elvis; Chopin; Mozart, Beethoven, Brian Ferry; Dido; Travis; Beyonce; George Michael (old stuff)
Favorite Books Everything by Charles Dickens; Dorothy Rowe, books on coloured pencils.