Nicole Ann Designs

About me

Gender Female
Occupation Mother
Location Ca, United States
Introduction I am food cooking, cake designing, exercising, game playing, book reading, electronics loving, wife and mother of 3. I am an insomniac who's brain never stops thinking which keeps me up to the wee hours of the morning. And I also love scrapbooking and other crafts. I am a stay at home mom with ALWAYS something to do. It's not always fun but I love doing it. I am thankful to have such a wonderful husband that works so hard to provide for us and keep me at home doing all my crazy ideas.
Favorite Movies Man on Fire, Crash, Shall We Dance, Selena, La Bamba, Moulin Rouge, Pretty Woman, Twilight.
Favorite Books A Knight in Shinning Armor, Twilight, Sookie Stackhouse Novels