holly k
My blogs
Blogs I follow
- 15 minutes play...BumbleBeans Inc.
- A Few Scraps
- a quilt is nice
- Activities of Charles and Janie Cutting
- alisaburke
- Amy's Creative Side
- Bee Square Blog
- Blue Mountain Daisy
- Brassy Apple
- Canton Village Quilt Works
- Closet Cooking
- Cluck Cluck Sew
- Craftaholics Anonymous
- Crap I've Made
- crazy mom quilts
- Fashioned by Meg
- Fat Quarter Shop's Jolly Jabber
- Fat Quarterly
- Fiber of All Sorts
- Fibermania
- flossyblossy
- Girl In A Tree
- Green Fairy Quilts
- Howard's
- I Have A Notion
- i'm a ginger monkey
- In Stitches
- Issabella The Cat
- JaneVille
- Jaybird Quilts
- Jessica's Quilting Corner
- Lazy Gal Quilting
- lemon squeezy home
- Liberated Quilters
- Little Miss Shabby
- Looky Loo Photography
- lovely little handmades
- Lucy & Norman
- Michele Bilyeu Creates With Heart and Hands
- Moda Bake Shop
- My Fabric Stash
- Needle and Spatula
- Nellie's Needles
- nifty quilts
- no big dill
- Old Red Barn Co.
- One Flew Over
- picking up and dropping off
- print & pattern
- Quilt Dad
- Quilt Patch Lane
- Quiltin' Like Crazy
- Quilting Is My Bliss
- QuiltPorn
- Quilts on Bastings
- Rachel Griffith Designs
- Scraps and Strings
- Selvage Blog
- Sew Dang Cute Crafts
- Sew Much Ado
- Sew Serendipity
- Sew Serendipity
- sewtakeahike
- shellys quilts
- Show + Tell
- Snip.Sew.Send.
- Snippets and Blabbery
- Stitching Life has Moved!
- suchity such
- Summer at Grandma's House
- tallgrass prairie studio
- Tamara Erbacher | 1/4 of an inch
- Tea Rose Home
- That Quilt
- The Exchange
- The Free Motion Quilting Project
- The Little Mouse
- the red kitchen
- The Scientific Seamstress
- The Silly BooDilly
- U Create
- uberstitch
- V Findlay Wolfe BLOG
- {show & tell}
Introduction | Hi! I'm Holly. Welcome to my page(s). My blogs are a way to show family, friends, and others just what I'm up to in my creative world. |
Interests | laughter, quilting, photography, travel, people, learning new things, great food, cross-fit, and teeth - my day job! |
Favorite Movies | The Ultimate Gift, The Proposal |
Favorite Music | love a lot of everything...my blog has a few of my favorites playing from playlist.com |
Favorite Books | The Last Lecture, The Book Thief, The Good Earth |
Your superpower is that you smell like dandelions whenever someone lies. How will you maintain your secret identity?
Why hide it?!!! I'm an honest person! :) The world would be a better place if people were honest. Hopefully I wouldn't be stinky too often! Sure would be eye-opening for me!