My blogs
Blogs I follow
- A View from Above
- All Around The World
- Australian Motorcycle Diaries
- Back Road Motorcycle Rides
- Bandit Rider
- Braais, beers and bikes
- Bucky's Ride
- Confessions of an Ageing Motorcyclist
- Erik's Motorcycle Trips
- Everyday Superbikes EDSBK
- Find me on the Road (or Trail)
- For Love of a Motorbike
- Geezer with a Grudge
- Going fast, getting nowhere
- Gymi's Garage
- Huckleberry Dreams
- I'd rather be riding...
- Kiwionabike
- Life on two wheels
- Motorcycle Addiction
- Motorcycle Philosophy
- Nikos World
- Observations of a Perpetual Motorcyclist
- One Steph Beyond
- Ordinary Biker Oz
- Pat Henderson's Life and Motorcycle Travels Blog
- Riding the USA
- Riding the Wet Coast
- RoADAR's Blog
- Scooter Revolution!
- SheRidesABeemer
- Sherri Jo's Because I Can World Tour
- Tarsnakes
- The Great Motorcycle Pizza Tour
- The Motorcycle Obsession
- The Occasional Adventures of Betty
- The Official Handbook to the Marvel Universe - REDUX Edition
- The Texas Rambler
- The Wrong Way Round.
- throughtheeyesofarider
- Tombstone's Travels
- Trobairitz' Tablet
- Troubadour's Treks
- Two Moto Kiwis
- Two Wheel Weekends | Motorcycle Riding Australia Reviews Reports and supporting Charity Events
- Utah Motorcyclist
- West Coast Procrastinators | Motorcyclists
- Winton Massif
Gender | Male |
Occupation | Building Automation |
Location | Sydney, Australia |