
My blogs

About me

Location Arizona, United States
Introduction I’m just a guy, a regular dude, who’s worked a regular, sedentary desk job most of his adult life. Now, I’m trying to do something about it. I’m trying to become healthy, both physically and mentally. I run, bike and swim for fitness. I also want to improve my diet as much as possible, hence, the vegan moniker in the blog title. I’m not perfect by any means, but I try to improve. I know that sounds corny, but when things go to crap in life, as they often do, I use my morals and goals to help me make decisions. I am husband to a wonderful woman and father to 3 adult children. Our relationships get complicated at times, many times, but we’re all together. And if there remains a chance to build upon those relationships, and in some cases, rebuild them, I continue to do so. So, you may see my journal posts about my attempts with our planned, and unplanned, activities.
Interests Triathlon, Veganism, Mental Health
Favorite Movies Grave of the Fireflies
Favorite Music 80s Alternative
Favorite Books The Pleasure Trap