Steve Cameron

My blogs

About me

Gender Male
Industry Education
Location Lincoln, United Kingdom
Introduction is a Scottish/Australian writer living in Lincoln, UK. Publications include Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine, Dimension6, Aurealis, After Death, Anywhere But Earth, Galaxy's Edge, and Sherlock Holmes: The Australian Casebook.
Interests Writing, Music, Film, Astronomy, Reading
Favorite Movies Dead Man, Blade Runner, Harvey, Star Wars, The Day the Earth Stood Still, Apocalypse Now, A Hard Day's Night
Favorite Music Daniel Amos, Beatles, Rolling Stones, XTC, Wilco, Hendrix, Neil Young, Klaatu, Nick Drake
Favorite Books Phillip K. Dick, Jasper Fforde, Haruki Murakami, Jonathan Carroll, Robert Silverberg, Katherine Mansfield, Julian May