winda reds

My blogs

About me

Gender Female
Location Bandung, Indonesia
Introduction silly geeky newbie writer | a big fan of the 90's | can't resist cute cats, British accents and guys with geeky glasses
Interests reading, browsing, writing my thoughts and imaginations, remembering nostalgic moment, observing details (mostly just to feed my little grey cells), laughing on a good joke (praise Cak Lontong!)
Favorite Movies Juno, 500 Days of Summer, The A-Team, LOTR Trilogy, Hot Fuzz, Jason Reitman's, Guy Ritchie's, Pixar's movies, Marvel superheroes' movies
Favorite Music mostly? 90s alternative rock songs! #hailthe90s
Favorite Books Sherlock Holmes, How to be Like Michael Jordan, Harry Potter series, Percy Jackson series, Da Vinci Code, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, Adhitya Mulya's novels