My blogs
- Dover-Heidelberg Channel-Triathlo... 2008/2009
- Channel-Triathlo... Dover-Heidelberg 2008/2009
- www.oneness-hear...
Gender | Female |
Industry | Marketing |
Occupation | Translator, Webmaster, Kids yoga teacher |
Location | Heidelberg, Germany |
Introduction | Since my university years I have been based in Heidelberg, one of the most beautiful places in the world, travelling the world in between and working for 15 years with Swiss soy pioneer Soyana. At present I am working freelance as a translator and webdesigner in marketing and communication. As a student in the late 70ies, my dream was to go to a Zen monastary in Japan for a few years to experience Satori, but then I started meditation in Heidelberg and found my teacher in New York. Soon I became fascinated with the combination of ultrasports and meditation and the concept of self-transcendence. In 1985 I swam the English Channel for the first time after only 5 months of serious training. Many lesser endurance events followed. Now, after my 50th birthday, I feel ready for a a new, bigger challenge. The "Channel Triathlon"* is inspired by Sri Chinmoy and I am dedicating it to his memory, his legacy and his vision of a Oneness-World-Family. It may be interesting to note that I have been a happy vegetarian and non-smoker since 1981. (*Distance: Swim Dover-Calais: 33-50 km, Bike Calais-Bingen: 560 km, Run Bingen-Heidelberg: ca. 80 km) more on: |
Favorite Books | Zen-Mind, Beginner's Mind (Shunryo Suzuki), The Great Liberation (Daisetz Suzuki), The Art of Loving (Erich Fromm), Wings of Joy (Sri Chinmoy) |