Ruppy Murdoch

My blogs

About me

Gender Male
Industry Non-Profit
Occupation I sell you shit you dont need
Location Chicago (Part of Daley Kingdom), IL
Introduction i shot Kennedy, created AIDs with Reagan and help spread crack with Bush senior. I'm a fucking American icon
Interests politics, music, movies, guns, video games, computers and long walks on the beach.
Favorite Movies pretty much anything with a good plot or story that leads to meaningful development of characters or just stupid shit meant to make people laugh.
Favorite Music too many to name but pretty much rock and punk have been the most influential in my life.
Favorite Books Choke, Lullaby, World War Z, The Giver, The Carlos Castaneda series, Her Lovely Bones, Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee.

Do you really want me to offer you the red pill?