My blogs
Blogs I follow
- MakeupRSaveti
- Marry's Raveland
- *** Tufna ***
- Ana on heels
- Anastasija's fashion blog
- AndreasChoice
- Any Rainbow
- Books and Lilies
- Cakin svet
- Cimet i bijela čokolada
- Diary Of A Fashion Mom
- Divine World of Fashion
- Fashion and Dreams
- Fashion and style
- frashion
- Hypnotic Mushroom
- I believe in dreams
- Imagination
- Inaa blue
- Istok Pavlovic
- Iva did it.
- Jana \(^ _ ^ ♥) /
- knjiga, mačka i ormar
- Ko ne voli cipele
- Kreativna stranica
- Lonely robot in a wasteland
- LoveLeyla
- make-up-my-day
- MakeUp by Dijana
- Makeup&more
- Mateja's Beauty Blog
- Mess in my closet
- Modni blog Cipelica Štiklica
- Novosti iz Marketinga
- Oink If You Love OPI
- Packing Stylist
- Pink Glitter Diaries
- Power In My Purse
- Stylish Geekette
- SuperNova Kozmetika
- SWalkerMakeup
- The Decorista-Domestic Bliss
- Tina thinks...
- titatoni | Blog - DIY - Food - Lifestyle
- Velika Ljubav Na Malo Kvadrata
- - beauty, fashion, lifestyle, diet, makeup, korean and asian inspired makeup tutorials
- World Of Happy Nails
- Zorannah's Fashion Corner
- Новопечена домаћица
Location | Београд, Serbia |
Introduction | Online dnevnik stvari koje dve sestre vole: lepota, kozmetika, moda, dizain, ekologija, organsko, putovanja, holivud, glamur, zdravlje, šminka, umetnost... |