
My blogs

About me

Interests Reading, movies and music, nothing special but enjoyable
Favorite Movies Flight from Death: The Quest For Immortality(2003), 8½ (1963), Hearts and Minds(1974), The 400 Blows(1959), The Seven Seal(1957), Bicycle Thieves(1948), The Trial of Henry Kissinger(2002), Dr. Strangelove(1954), Citizen Kane(1941), Metropolis(1927), The Lord of the Rings (Trilogy), Cinema Paridiso(1988), Das Boot(1981), Les diaboliques(1955), North by Northwest(1959), Wages of Fear(1953), 七武士(黑澤明1954), 黃飛鴻(1991), 新蜀山劍俠(1983), 新龍門客棧(1992), 武侠(2011), 大三元(1996), 九品芝麻官白面包青天(1994), The Artist(2011), Hugo(2011), 大魔術師(2011), Mission Impossible IV(2011), Chronicle(2012), 寫給桃子的信 /ももへの手紙 (2012), The Suicide Shop / Le magasin des suicides (2012), 東京家族(2013), 激戰(2013), 99 Francs (2007), 《輝耀姬物語》(2013), Before I Disappear(2014)
Favorite Music Mahler, Beethoven, George Winston, Beyond, 王菲
Favorite Books Leften Stavros Stavrianos:The Global Rift, Will Durant:The Story of Civilization, Amartya Sen: Identity and Violence - The Illusion of Destiny, Francis Fukuyama: The End of History and the Last Man, 《李天命的思考藝術》, 南懷瑾:《論語別裁》, 郭廷以:《近代中國史綱》, Immanuel Wallerstein:The Modern World System Series, 黃仁宇:《赫遜河畔談中國歷史》, 張系國: 遊子魂組曲:香蕉船、不朽者, Joseph Stiglitz: Freefall: America, Free Markets, and the Sinking of the World Economy, Ernest Becker:The Denial of Death, Chalmers Johnson:Blowback, 余英時: 《歷史與思想》, 陳雲:《中文解毒──從混帳文字到通順中文》, 黃永武: 《愛廬小品》, 林語堂: 《生活的藝術》, John L Gaddis:The Cold War, Greg Ip:The Little Book of Economics, Doris Kearns Goodwin: Team of Rivals, Robert Wright: The Evolution of God, Steven Pinker: the blank slate - the Modern Denial of Human Nature, David Harvey: A Brief History of Neoliberalism, Niall Ferguson: The Ascent of Money, M. Hardt & A. Negri: Commonwealth, Francis Fukuyama: The Origins of Political Order, Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr.: The Cycles of American History, David Harvey: The Enigma of Capital and the Crises of Capitalism, Amartya Sen: The Idea of Justice, Kwame A Appiah: Cosmopolitanism - Ethics in a World of Strangers, John Dunn: Setting the People Free, Minxin Pei(裴敏欣): China's Trapped Transition - The Limits of Developmental Autocracy, Donny Gluckstein: The Paris Commune - A Revolution in Democracy, 蕭公權: 《中國政治思想史》, 牟宗三: 《中國哲學十九講》, 錢穆: 《中國近三百年學術史》, John Dunn: The Cunning of Unreason - Making Sense of Politics, Harold James: The Creation and Destruction of Value - The Globalization Cycle, Michael J Sandel: Justice - What's the Right Thing to Do?, Tony Judt: Ill Fares the Land, 劉曉波:《悲劇. 審美. 自由》, Ronald Dworkin: Justice in Robes, Roger Osborne: Of the People By the People - A New History of Democracy, Philippe Sands: Lawless World - America and the Making and Breaking of Global Rules, Avi Shlaim: The Iron Wall - Israel and the Arab World, Charles Tilly: The Politics of Collective Violence, Niall Ferguson: Civilization