Jessica Wilson

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About me

Gender Female
Industry Government
Location Nashville, Tennessee, United States
Introduction Farmer's grandaughter, self-confessed nerd, animal lover. I enjoy road tripping, all things kitsch, and anything that strikes me as unusual. One of my goals is to see all 50 states.
Interests Road trips, kitsch, hiking, biking, kayaking, dogs, reading, thrifting, antiques, listening to music, singing in my car, photography, Mexican food
Favorite Music Radiohead, Portishead, Best Coast, The Pixies, Pavement, Sonic Youth, Nirvana, My Bloody Valentine, The National, The Arcade Fire
Favorite Books Dharma Bums, David Sedaris novels, Kick Me, What is the What, A Walk in the Woods, Wild, Pillars of the Earth, Hunger Games, Devil in the White City