Chris Palmer
My blogs
Blogs I follow
- Battle Game of the Month
- Colonel O'Truth's Miniature Issues
- Mattblackgod's world
- Steampunk Gear
- The Axis Of Naughtiness
- The Penny Whistle
- The Sharp End of the Brush
- Vintage Wargaming
Introduction | I've been a gamer since my high school days in the 70's. I'm married to Jennifer, and reside in Maryland. I am co-author, along with Buck Surdu, of "GASLIGHT" and several of its supplements, and "Look, Sarge, No Charts: WWII", and "LSNC: ACW". I also wrote the "Thunder & Plunder"; half of our Pirate rules, "Blood & Swash" I am a founding member of the HAWKs wargames club. |