
My blogs

About me

Gender Female
Interests Writing, Piano, Literature, Medicine, European History, Current Events, Bipartisanship (ha!), Jean Baptiste Maunier, Legolas, Ties, Sketching, Sculpture, Watercolor, Asian Trinkets, Reading, Clean Notebooks, Eggnog, Disney, Sleeping, Dreaming, Humming, White Marble, College Campuses, Cheesecake, Laughs, Giggles, Snickers, Chuckles, Love, Joy, Life
Favorite Movies Les Choristes, Finding Nemo, Amadeus, Fight Club, Hotel Rwanda
Favorite Books Pride and Prejudice, Mrs. Dalloway, Freakonomics, Predictably Irrational, Life of Pi, The Chronicles of Chrestomanci, Ender's Game, Thursday Next, New York Times, TIME, OG, Sherman Alexie