My blogs
Gender | Male |
Industry | Student |
Location | San Jose, Costa Rica |
Interests | la historia, los libros, la geopolítica, invenciones, experimentos, la musica, el cine, el futbol, el arte, escribir, juegos de estrategia, las amistades |
Favorite Movies | Pulp fiction, count of monte cristo, gladiador, forest gump, dr strangelove and how i fell in love with the bomb, spaceballs, enemy at the gates, Hannibal, Clock Work Orange, peloton, V de Vendetta, the godfather, the shinning, Full Metal Jacket, The fifth element, dear hunter, butterfly effect, la tierra de los suenos. |
Favorite Music | Dream Theater, OSI, Porcupine Tree, A Perfect Circle, 311, AIR, Ozric Tentacles, Amounsulu, Pink Floyd, Bozzion Levin Stevens, Steve Vai, Alice in Chains, Iron Maiden, Liquid Tension, Tool, Ayreon, Jetrho Tull, Yes, EmersonLake & Palmer, Genesis, Guns and Roses, The Doors, Scorpions, Kansas, Spinneta, Guardian Knot, Transatlantic, King Crimson, Incubus, Zeppelin, Jordan Rudess, Chroma Key, Jars of Clay, Narnia, Silvio, Mercedez Sosa, Caetano Veloso, Adrian Goizueta, Facundo Cabral, Nino Bravo, Jairo, Manuel Obregon... |
Favorite Books | Don Quijote Cervantes, Brave New World Huxley, Tales of Narnia CS Lewis, The Last Lion Winston Churchill, Cantembury Tales Chauser, El Principe Maquiavelo, Arte de la Guerra Tsung Tsu, Las Contradicciones Mao Tse Tung, Everworld K.A. Aplegate, Mein Keinf Adolf Hitler, Les Miserables Victor Hugo, Palabras Gastadas, Pobreza de las naciones, Jose Figueres... escritores como Tolstoy, Ruben Dario, Garcia Marquez, Pablo Neruda, Brodsky, Sartre, Jensen, Shaw, Heyse, Rene Armand, George Orwell, Conan Doyle, jose marti |