
My blogs

About me

Gender Female
Industry Agriculture
Location New York, NY
Introduction a slave set free by Love nailed down. an orphan adopted by the High King. learning to let life well up from being all her, in faith. this blog contains some of the mileposts and verbal vomit along the way, notes filed away from patient teachers and traveling friends, and many streams of semiconsciousness. God must be on my side! an innocent Stranger died me to life... and calls me friend. they say love never changes, but they must have lied because Love changed my direction and gave me life when He scribbled in the sand and did not condemn - no He saves me, raises me from poverty to plenty, heals me, clothes me from rags to righteousness. when i face such Beauty both too good and too true how can i stifle - the smiles - the songs - the shouts - the twirls - hope - joy - laughter - these keep me tethered even when i wander seeking a homeland... finding that it has found me.
Interests Jesus Christ. Alphabetizing, Alternative Medicine, Anachronisms, Awkward Situations, Babies, Beer, Biking, Chipotle, Chirography, Classics, Community Nap Time, Composting, Dark Chocolate, Dressing Down, Dressing Up, Doodling, Earrings, Eccentricity, Espresso, Farms, Feasts, Food, Fruit, Gardening, Good Talks, Grammar, Grilling, Handwritten Letters, Ice Cream, Japanese Whiskey, Jazz, Joshua Liu, Laughing, Linguistics, Loyalty, Massage Therapy, Musical Theater, Oceans, Orthography, Pastries, People, People Watching, Philology, Piano, Pilates, Popcorn, POJ, Pumpkins, Sabbaths, Scuba Diving, Seafood, Seasonality, Sewing, Sisters, Snail Mail, Snuggling, Sobriety, Solitude, Spontaneity, Spooning, Starry Nights, Substance, Sunny Days, Sushi, Swing, Taiwan, Tea & Sympathy, The Scenic Route, Taiwan, Thrift Shopping, Thunderstorms, Travel, Twirling, Ultimate, Vinyasa, Volleyball, Wikipedia, Words, Zion.
Favorite Books The Bible., A Treatise Concerning Religious Affections (Jonathan Edwards), Till We Have Faces, Confessions (Augustine), I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, The Survivor (Des Pres), Exclusion & Embrace, Love in the Time of Cholera, A Grief Observed, A Severe Mercy, The Weight of Glory, The Four Quartets (T.S. Eliot), The Brothers Karamazov, Anna Karenina

The love potion you made tastes terrible. How will you drink it?

I'd give it to my parents.