Sarah (The Book Life)
My blogs
Blogs I follow
- Mom With A Kindle
- #TalkSupe
- **LC's Adventures in Libraryland** A YA Book Blog
- .
- .Xpresso Reads.
- 909 Reviews
- <center>Wee Shubba's World</center>
- A Beautiful Madness
- A Blog about Nothing
- A Book and a Latte
- A Dream Within A Dream
- A Good Addiction
- A Nook for Books
- A Room With Books
- A Soul Unsung...
- A Still and Quiet Madness <br>~A.G. Howard~
- About to Read
- Absconditas
- Actin' Up with Books
- Addicted 2 Novels
- Adventures in YA Publishing
- Alison Can Read
- Alluring Reads
- Amethyst Daydreams
- Andye Reads
- Angela's Anxious Life
- Angels and Demons and Portals. Oh My!
- Anna Silver
- apopofliz
- ARCycling
- Authorial Intent
- AwesomeSauce Book Club
- Azza's Bookish Haven
- Badass Bookie
- Bananas For Books
- Beauty and the Bookshelf
- Beck Valley Books &amp; more
- Becky's Barmy Book Blog
- Bending the Spine
- Beneath Shining Stars, I Read
- Beneath the Jacket
- Bengal Reads
- Beth Revis
- Better Read than Dead
- Between The Pages
- Bittersweet Enchantment
- Blog - Megan Shepherd
- Book Bite Reviews
- Book Bound
- Book Briefs
- Book Flame
- Book Haven
- Book Light Graveyard
- Book Love 101
- Book Nerd Reviews
- Book Nerds Across America
- Book Sp(l)ot Reviews
- BookAHolics Anonymous (My Name is ____, and I'm a BookAHolic)
- BookHounds ya
- Booking It With Hayley G
- Bookish Diversion
- Bookish Lifestyle
- Bookishly Gabby
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- Books Are Vital
- Books Complete Me
- Books Most Wanted
- Books of Amber
- Books of Love
- Books with Bite
- Books: A true story
- Born to Buy
- Bringing The Epic
- Brodi Ashton
- Bumbles and Fairytales
- C.J. Redwine
- Cat Winters
- Catching Books
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- Chapter Chicks
- Chasing Empty Pavements
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- Chelsea Pitcher, YA Author
- Chocolate for Inspiration
- Christi the Teen Librarian
- Cindy Thomas
- Coffee Table Reviews
- Coffee, books and me
- Colie's Kitchen
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- Colorimetry
- Comfort Books
- Confessions of a Readaholic
- Cora Carmack Books
- Curling Up With A Good Book
- Daisy Whitney
- Dana's YA Bookpile
- Daniel Marks
- Debut Author Challenge ARC Tours
- Defiantly Deviant
- Doctor's Notes
- Dreamland Book Blog
- Effortlessly Reading
- Elegantly Bound Books
- elizabeth norris
- Emily's Crammed Bookshelf
- Ems reviews books...
- Epic (Chocolate) Fantasy
- Esther's Ever After
- Ex Libris
- Fabbity Fab Book Reviews
- Falling Books
- Falling for Books - A Young Adult and Fiction Book Blog
- Fans of Fiction
- Finding Bliss in Books
- Following the Reader
- Forever 17 Books
- Friday the Thirteeners
- Fringe Dweller
- From A to Z
- Geek Girl's Book Blog
- Geo Librarian
- Goldilox and the Three Weres
- Gone with the Words
- Good Choice Reading
- GReads!
- Hannah McBride: Current Author, Former Irish Banana
- Head Stuck In A Book
- Hippies, Beauty, and Books Oh My!
- I Am A Reader, Not A Writer
- I believe in books.
- I Eat The Books!!!
- I Eat Words
- I Like These Books
- I Read Banned Books
- I Write, I Read, I Review
- i*Heart*BigBooks
- IB Book Blogging
- IceyBooks
- In Between ♥
- In the Hammock Blog
- In The Name of Books
- Ink Scratchers
- Inklings Read
- Irish Girl Reads
- J.J. Bonds' Blog
- JeanBookNerd
- Jenni Elyse
- jess rothenberg
- Jessi Kirby
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- JJ iReads
- Joyous Reads
- Just a Booklover♥
- Justin's Book Blog
- JV the Erudite Artist Book Blog
- Katie's Book Blog
- Kiersten Writes
- Kilt and Keeley
- Kristin (K.D.) Halbrook
- Larissa's World
- LAUREN OLIVER: News, Thoughts, and Miscellany
- Lauren's Crammed Bookshelf
- Laurisa White Reyes
- Leigh Fallon
- Leigh Talbert Moore, Author
- Let's talk about books
- Letters Inside Out
- Librarian Mouse
- Library Mosaic
- Library of a Book Witch
- Lilly Road
- Lindsay Cummings
- Lindsey Sablowski
- Lindsi Root
- Lisa D. Writes
- Lisa Lueddecke
- Literary Exploration
- Literary Junkie
- Live To Read
- Lost Amongst the Shelves
- Lost In Y.A. Wonderland
- Maimes Reviews
- Maji Bookshelf
- Makeshift Bookmark
- Me, My Shelf and I
- Melissa's Eclectic Bookshelf
- Mimi Valentine
- Mindee Arnett
- Mine for the Reading
- Mission to Read
- Mom Reads My Books
- Moonlight Book Reviews
- Mostly YA Book Obsessed
- Musingly Mindee
- My Not So Real Life
- My Reading Room
- My Shelf Confessions
- My Tower of Books
- My Words Ate Me
- My words and pages
- NA Alley
- Novel Magic
- Novel Thoughts
- O.ops I Read That Book!
- Omnom Books
- Once Upon A Chapter
- Once Upon a Twilight!
- Outhouse Reviews
- paper reader
- Parajunkee's View
- Passion for Novels
- Patricia's Particularity
- Peace Love Books
- Pedantic Phooka Book Reviews
- Pink Planet Shops
- Pinker Than Fiction Reviews
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- Presenting Lenore
- Pretty Deadly Reviews
- Rachel Brooks
- Rachel Reads
- Ramblings From This Chick
- Reading and Writing Urban Fantasy, Paranormal, and Romance
- Reading to Penguins
- Reading Wishes
- Reading with ABC
- Reading Writing Breathing
- Reading Writing Reviewing Blogging and between
- Reading, Writing, and the World of Words
- Rescue Reads
- Rewatch Central
- Rockstar Book Tours
- Sara McClung
- Sarah Skilton
- Sash &amp; Em
- Seanchai
- Secret of the Stars
- Shelly Crane Speaks - NYT &amp; USA Today Bestselling Author
- Silver Wings Reviews
- Singing and Reading in the Rain
- Skye's Scribblings
- Sleuths, Spies, and Alibis
- Small Review
- Some Like It Paranormal
- Some Things I Think...
- Sony The Book Lover
- Southern Book Bloggers
- Sparkles and Lightning
- Starry Sky Books
- Starting the Next Chapter
- Stories &amp; Sweeties
- storybound girl
- Stuck In Books
- Stuck in Y.A. Books
- SupaGurl Books and Promotions
- Sweet Tidbits: Book Reviews &amp; More...
- Sweets by Steph
- Take Me Away...
- Tales of the Ravenous Reader
- Teen Readers' Diary
- That Artsy Reader Girl
- The (Mis)Adventures of a Twenty-Something Year Old Girl
- The (YA) Bookcase
- The Apocalypsies
- The Army of 3:59
- The Book Faerie
- The Book Life
- The Book Pixie
- The Bookaholic Cat
- The Bookish Babe
- The Broke and the Bookish
- The Crazy Bookworm
- The Eater of Books!
- The Fable Faerie
- The Fairytale Nerd
- The Flyleaf Review
- The Girl Who Reads {A Lot}
- The Grammarian's Reviews
- The Hollow Cupboards
- The League of Extraordinary Writers
- The Little Book Blog
- The Midnight Bookworm
- the midnight garden
- The Mod Podge Bookshelf
- The Name of This Blog Rhymes With ORANGE
- The Non Reluctant Reader
- The Once and Future Librarian
- The Passionate Bookworm
- The Princess of Storyland
- The Read and Seek
- The Reader Bee
- The Readers Den
- The Reading Cave
- The Reading Devil
- The Reading Fish
- The Reading Geek
- The Sagacity Quest
- The Secret Life of an Avid Reader
- The Secret Life of Books
- The Teen Book Guru
- These Curves Talk
- Thoughts At One In The Morning
- Ttyla
- Two Chicks On Books
- Unabridged Andra
- Under The Covers with Nicolette Day
- Uniquely Moi Books
- Victoria H. Smith
- Victoria Scott
- Watercolor Moods
- Welcome to
- What Bri Reads
- What ya readin today?
- Windowpane Memoirs
- WinterHaven Books
- With A Book
- Word Spelunking
- WordCircus
- Words of Wisdom....from The Scarf Princess
- Words, Pages, and Books
- Wulfwyn Reads Excessively
- Xpresso Book Tours
- YA All Day
- YA Book Blog Directory
- YA Book Queen
- YA Bookie Monster
- YA Bookmark
- YA Bound
- YA Infatuation
- YA Urban
- yabooktwins
- Young Adult Book Reviews
- Young Bloggers Unite
- Zach’s YA Reviews
- {This Girl Reads}
Gender | Female |
Occupation | Dental Receiptionist |
Location | Ormond Beach, Florida, United States |
Introduction | I'm just a nerdy gal who loves the various things life offers up. I like to call myself an extreme reader, where others like to BMX off of large hills or swim with sharks, I like to read books in large quantities :0) I like to live my large, scary adventures vicariously. I'm big into movies and music, too. Sometimes I like to watch a movie on silent, while listening to my mp3 player and reading a book! Okay, so that might have been stretching the truth just a tad... I also love coffee (a little too much) and spending time watching the ocean. It's so immense and persistent. I love that it never stops, always reaching for the shore. Most of my books are YA, even though I am fastly approaching the not even a little Y, A. The stories in YA books are always so much more creative and immersive. Sure they can have some recycled stories, but for the most part they are new and exciting. Just because you are grown, it doesn't mean you have to start reading your mom's old romance novels :0) |