
My blogs

About me

Introduction 'My e-Scrapbook'© huwa is-'scrapbook' eletroniku tiegħi fejn jien naqsam ma' jkun min ikun li ġie jżur, ġrajjiet speċjali. Forsi ċerti affarijiet antikwati, pero' jien xorta inpoġġihom, għax huma ġrajjiet li jiġru jew ġraw darba! Qabel toħroġ minn fuq dan il-Blog tinsiex tħalli KUMMENT! __________________________________________________________________ 'My e-Scrapbook'© is my electronic scrapbook which I share with you, who ever is visiting, all the special events. Maybe some of the things are out of date, but they're still special, because they are events that happen or happened once! Before you leave this Blog don't forget to leave a COMMENT!