Joshua Ray Stephens

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About me

Gender Male
Industry Arts
Occupation Silly picture drawer, teacher, trophy wife, amateur philosopher, etc.
Location Atlanta, GA, United States
Introduction Joshua Ray Stephens was raised by fluffy gray kittens; he found it a shock to learn that this was an abnormal family environment. Upon completing his degree in Graphic Design at the University of Georgia he flew that very same day to Italy to begin a one year stint at Fabrica. Two years later he was inculcated into a secret organisation whose true name may not be uttered, due to legal matters beyond our control, but often introduces itself as the Society for the Advancement of the Graphic Arts. He now resides in Cabbagetown overlooking the Cemetary. He spends his time in his personal library concocting sacred and magick icons.
Interests Life.
Favorite Movies Too many to name.